- Why place the remote near the left arm for DH frequencies?
- Which is the gentlest terrain?
- Can I use the cancer program as a preventive measure?
- Is there a preset or a program persons could run to test it actually works?
- What do the essential oil frequencies do? I would like to run some but I’m not sure if they’re like the other frequencies.
- I am having a Atrial Fibrillation. Does anyone can help me to find accurate program in the spooky2?
- Killing or healing? Which to choose?
- When creating preset chain, how do I make sure that the first preset has been set to NOT loop continuously?
- What does the color of the generator button mean?
- How to delete a custom program on Spooky2?
- What's the difference between presets and programs? How to select and run presets and programs?
- How to make a break of 120 minutes between frequencies?
- I really do not like the "voice" that announces various pop up screens. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to turn it off.
- I must run a list of programs for a person but some are for healing and some other are for killing. What should I do?
- Is it possible to turn off the display on the GenX Pro to avoid harsh lighting at night?
- Is there a setting to remove harmful substances when adding minerals?
- Why DNA programs have no frequencies shown on the screen?
- How do I delete these programs in the middle Box of the Presets tab?
- On the Control tab, do Out1 and Out2 frequencies always match?
- More information about Superprogram 1, Superprogram 2 and Superprogram 3.
- How much space is required to download the Spooky2 software?
- Why can’t l run the Anti age program? When l start it, it instantly goes into Pause and the generator box turns yellow.
- How do l save programs on Spooky2 before downloading a new update?
- How do I change from a program looping to stop at the end of the sequence?
- What does “Custom Database ” mean? Should l tick “write program log” or not?
- How to troubleshoot if the software says no generators found?
- What the (Dual) means on some of the remote presets?
- What does the VG 0% mean in the generator box?
- What is the recommended duration to run a preset?
- How to rectify my port numbers?