What can I do if the red light did not flash when I do Pulse Scan?

1. Turn everything off. Restart computer. Plug everything in. Then turn on Spooky before you start the program on your computer. If it doesn’t pop up. Go to "Utils" at the top and install pulse driver.
2. Once plugged in, don't touch the socket, don't move the laptop or anything in case it places stress on the connection.
3. These things are very sensitive and it entirely depends on chance the type of USB your computer manufacturer uses and how well it will work with this type of device.
I have a beat up, almost ten yr old laptop that takes over 5 min to load up the Spooky software when I'm starting but it's great with Spooky, and I have a much more expensive laptop that is next to useless with Spooky because of the USB problem.
4. Which clip sensor do you use? If you use finger clip, please follow below blog to try again? https://www.spooky2-mall.com/blog/how-to-get-better-results-from-the-pulse-finger-sensor/

For more details, please check the link:

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