Why I had some frequencies correlate to certain minerals after a biofeedback scan? Would this suggest a deficiency or excess?

If you used the default setup for a biofeedback scan (e.g. Max HRV) then there's really no way to tell as it returns frequencies that are for both killing and healing modalities.

If you used Max BPM, then all frequencies returned would be for stress responses which usually indicate a killing modality.

If you used Min BPM, then all frequencies returned would be for calming responses which usually indicate a healing modality.

As for the reverse lookup, the frequencies returned probably have very little to do with the minerals in any event, and were indicated for use by the body for whatever reason the body responded to.

To illustrate, let's do the math. Say you have a matchup with Minerals - Calcium.

Its frequency is 320 Hz.

To match it would be on a harmonic as our scan is from 76k to 152k.

Let's first find out what frequencies are exact harmonics of 320 Hz.

Doubling this frequency, we find only 81920 Hz matches. The next harmonic of 163840 Hz is outside our scan range.

Using the MOR tolerance of .025%, any frequency from 81899.52 Hz - 81940.48 Hz would actually work for a pathogen who's MOR was 81920 Hz even though we are looking at a mineral.

Given that we use a step size of 20, the prior frequency of 81900 Hz would actually work, as well as 81940 Hz. (Note: the step size of 20 was picked for a reason).

But let's say you got 81880 Hz as your returned frequency which does not have any effect for a pathogen that lives at 81920 Hz (direct harmonic of 320 Hz). Will it still match up with the Mineral?

When you do a reverse lookup, you have a % Tolerance field. This field is typically set to .2%.

However, for this example, I'm going to use .1%.

Will 81920 Hz match with 320 Hz using .1% tolerance for the reverse lookup?

(81920 / 100) * .1 = 81.92 Hz.

This gives us a range of 81838.08 Hz - 82001.92 Hz that would be reported as a hit for Minerals - Calcium sitting at 320 Hz.

And it would report it as a hit on the 8th harmonic.

However, 81880 Hz actually won't have anything to do with Minerals - Calcium, let alone if this was a hit for an actual pathogen as the frequency is outside the MOR range.

MOR stands for Mortal Oscillatory Rate.

You can easily change the returned hit of Minerals - Calcium, to a pathogenic name, and see how even returned pathogenic issues from a reverse lookup can be misleading.

I will stress again that when it comes to biofeedback scan results, trust your body.

Run them in a treatment and only use the reverse lookup feature if you are interested in what frequency sets in the database are close.

If you have an actual diagnosis, it may help correlate that the body has prioritized the same issue you have priority over.

If you run many scans and see a pattern emerge, the reverse lookup may provide insight that can lead to getting a proper diagnostic test to confirm if the issue exists.

Otherwise, the reverse lookup will only lead you down a stray path.

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