1. There are no original Rife frequencies over 4 MHz. You can follow them to do biofeedback can. Approximate ranges are:
Moulds and mycotoxins 75 - 215KHz
Bacteria and most viruses 275 - 450KHz
Protozoa, roundworm, and flatworm 325 - 480KHz
Warts 400 - 475KHz
Tapeworms 425 - 515KHz
Mites 675 - 880KHz
And please kindly check below link for more details of Spooky2 pulse:
Especially this blog:
By the way, I recommend you to join our FB group and Forum, I am convinced these 2 will help you a lot.
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2. A waveform like square waves has harmonics which go higher. The biofeedback presets take advantage of this to cover a large range of frequencies. However, harmonics do not go lower. So it is best for the user to scan from the lowest frequency to the first odd harmonic which a square wave will produce. For example, 75 kHz to 215 kHz is a good range to scan.
You haven't made a recommendation for Cancer. Should it be 1.5 MHz to 1.7 MHz?
There are no original Rife frequencies over 1.7MHz. You can follow them to do biofeedback scan. Approximate ranges are:
Moulds and mycotoxins 75–215KHz
Bacteria and most viruses 275–450KHz
Protozoa, roundworm, and flatworm 325– 480KHz
Warts 400–475KHz, tapeworms 425–515KHz
Mites 675-880KHz
Please check this link for more details of spooky2 pulse: http://www.spooky2-mall.com/blog/cat/spooky-pulse/
This blog also has valuable information: http://www.spooky2-mall.com/blog/spooky-pulse-training/
We recommend you join our FB group and Forum. These will help you a lot.
This is the link for our Spooky2 Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2/
Our Spooky2 Forum can be found at: http://www.spooky2.com/forums/
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