- For different modes, which Spooky2 Boost port to use? And how about biofeedback scans?
- How many remotes can I attach to the boost?
- Is BN port on Spooky2 Boost just a straight extension of BN port of the generator on GX?
- Why are outputs divided into Output 1 and Output 2? Can we use 4 remotes on GX if we don’t use Spooky2 boost?
- Is using the Out1 port on the Boost 3.1 the same as using Out1 port on GenX directly?
- On one of my boost panels, the lights go on and off intermittently. How should I troubleshoot?
- Does it matter if I change my XM from connecting to a boost to Out1? Do I need to change the amplitude?
- Why is my MN port light lit when the boost is connected to the BN port?
- Can you connect multiple devices to a same boost?
- Can you use Spooky2 without the boost?
- What is the significance and use of "MN" port?
- Can I connect new Spooky Remote V.2.0 to old Spooky Boost (V 2.0)? And can I connect old Spooky Remote v 1.1 to new Spooky Boost 3.1?
- Can somebody explain the function of the two red LEDs on the new booster v3.1?
- What's the advantage of the new Spooky Boost V3.1?
- How to connect Remote BN and Remote MN with the first boost cables that have no color markings?
- What's the difference between high power port and colloidal silver port? Can I run contact through the colloidal silver port on spooky boost and PEMF from high power port at the same time?
- We have 4pcs 2.0 boosters, one for each generator, verses the 3.0 booster. What is the difference in these two products? Should we buy 4pcs 3.0 boosts to upgrade or is it not necessary?
- What's the difference between Spooky boost v2.0 and Spooky boost v3.0?
- Do people who have Spooky Boost v2.0 need to update to Spooky Boost v3.0?
- I am interested in the pemf coil & the boost cable. What can it do that my Boost2 cannot do. It looks like the boost cable would be better for some things. Does it provide more output?
- Using Boost v2.0 the XM generator could generate waveforms up to 40 volts peak-to-peak. In your experience would that be too large or unsafe a signal energy to use in CONTACT MODE to treat colorectal cancer?
- Is there anyone who is using the generator without the boost cable who is willing to share their experiences on the success of healing without the boost?
- Does boosting the power by 4 X mean the currents I am receiving are 4 X stronger therefore increasing the chance of my injury subsiding quicker?
- I'm using the Spooky Boost 2.0. Do I still need the boost cable to produce the Scoon effect? I write only: Out2 = (Out1*1) + 0.1?
- We ordered the boost but don't see anything resembling a blue/red cable as shown on the set up guide.
- I ordered the two machine package and I only received one spooky2 v2. 0 booster.
- It seems that the boost is a must have although it is very cheap.
- What is the maximum voltage that I can generate with "Spooky Boost v2.0"?
- What additional components has the Colloidal Silver output of the Spooky Boost 2.0 in its circuit?
- If I do not have boost v2.0, and I want to use BNC cable instead, but I don't have a 10k resister at the moment, will this make a big difference?