If I needed to do something with the Frequency Adjustment Slider, which was at 1 Hz for everything I did. Can someone explain to me when you need to play with that bar?

1. "Jeff Kaczor Here's one method on how this was intended to be used:

You are under a frequency set. You notice that you have a reaction, maybe a tingle in the nose.
So you run up and look at what frequency it is on.

Clicking hold, you can keep the generator on this frequency.

Now with the slider, you can change it a bit to see if you can increase this reaction to find a more stronger precise frequency.

You find that sliding it down 1 Hz, the reaction goes away, but sliding it up .5 Hz it gets really strong.
You note that X.5 Hz is better in your log, and use this going forward.
You then click hold again to resume the program.

When the frequency changes to the next in the set, the slider is reset to 0.
It is literally a tool to do active frequency hunting/tuning.

2. "You are trying to find the perfect frequency for BX. You started with 1604000 Hz, you set it up to run and then manually increment and decrement the frequency to try and find the one that causes the most reaction in your tumor as you are able to feel tingles.

Instead of doing a sweep from say 1602000 - 1606000 and hoping to nail what frequency it is on when you get the tingles, you can now manually step it, swing it fast or slow, and check what frequencies invoke a response.

I hope these two examples give you further ideas on how to use.

For more details, please check the link:

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