Phase Angle would be useful in very experimental setups. Say for instance you wish to run the same frequency on both Outputs, but do not want to use the inverse+sync option (which applies a 180 degree phase on Out 2). Instead you wanted to experiment with Out 2 being 90 degrees out of phase with Out 1, you would use this option. Since Out 1 and Out 2 vary in phase, they will not cancel out like when you use Follow out 1. There is a lot to cover regarding phase, but I hope you get the idea from the above.
One clarification for those who may be wondering. The boost imparts a 180 degree phase change on Out 2 by the way it is wired. When you have two waveforms 180 degrees out of phase from each other, and everything else matches and the outputs are synced, they will cancel out. This is why Follow Out 1 results in no signal when using the boost.
When we use inverse+sync, we first invert the waveform (same result as using a 180 degree phase change), and then the boost imparts its 180 degree phase change, we then have two waveforms that are in back in phase (360 degrees same as 0). Normally this would just result in the same waveform with the same amplitude. However, because of how the boost is wired, sharing a common ground, we actually double the amplitude.
Ok, let's see. Light Wavelength. If you know the light wavelength for something you wish to create a frequency for, say Colloidal Copper which has been calculated to have a wavelength of 572 nanometers
instead of you having to do the math to convert this into a frequency and then find a sub harmonic that can actually be generated (requires one to start out with exponential numbers in most cases), you could just enter L572 and Spooky2 will do all the math for you. You can look up the wavelengths of many known items using Google in many cases, including the very basics, colored light.
Factor and Constant go together in many cases. They represent the same calculations that we get when using the Out 2 = (Out 1 x #) + # - [checkbox] Hz
Where Factor is the Out 1 x #, and constant is the + # portion.
Uses: Say you want to transmit 7.83 Hz in addition to the primary frequency in your frequency set -- let's use 1000 for this example.
You could use Out 2 = (Out 1 x 1) + 7.83 - [uncheck] Hz, or you could write your frequency set to be 1000F1C7.83
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