What is the difference between Terrain and Biofeedback Scan?

Terrain protocol is a list of programs which we recommend running when you get your spooky2 machine first time. It's a 11-day full body detox program which makes your body ready for treatment. It prepares the terrain in your body to be more available or receptive to further Rife treatments.
Biofeedback scan requires a frequency sweep to be input to the body, plus a system to monitor the results of this. As this sweep is being transmitted, it will kill or injure pathogens. Your body registers these events as stresses, and each one is clearly recorded. It helps find the frequencies the body needs. After scan you save the scan result directly and then run the scan result by spooky2 to give your body a best needed treatment. You can find more details on understanding biofeedback scan from this link: https://www.spooky2-mall.com/.../understanding.../

For more details, please check the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2/posts/2395023133992909/


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