How can l get Spooky2 software into "Dark Mode"?

1. You can set your computer settings to not stop when you close the lid thus you don’t see it all the time. You can also go into UTIL and turn off GenX screens so they do not light up.

2. To alter the brightness on your computer screen: Right click on the 'Start' button - bottom left of screen. Click on 'Settings'. Click on 'System'. Click on 'Display', and there you can alter the brightness of your screen. I change this back and forth as I need it. When I want to work on the screen I bring the brightness up, and then I turn it right down again until I want to use the screen again. When you have finished altering it each time just click on the X at top right of screen to go back to where you were. Hope this works for you, it should do.


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