Extract fron Notes: Presets Tab->Detox->Remote-Terrain (R) - BY
Here is a table to find the beginning of each day in this preset:
1: Remove Metals
2: Remove Metals
3: Remove Chemical Materials
4: Remove Systemic Toxins 1
5: Remove Systemic Toxins 2
6: Remove Intestinal Toxins, Remove Systemic Toxins 3
7: Parasites and Liver Function
8: Kidney Function 1
9: Kidney Function 2, Cleanse Blood
10: Kidney and Liver Toxins, Intestinal Parasites
11: Lymphatic System 1, Lymphatic System 2
This preset has the following programs:
Cleanse Blood: Lymphangitis - CAFL, Streptococcus Pyogenes - CAFL
Intestinal Parasites: Detox 2 Parasites in the Intestines - CAFL
Kidney and Liver Toxins: Detox 3 Toxins in the Kidneys and Liver - PROV
Kidney Function 1: Kidney Function Balance - XTRA
Kidney Function 2: Kidney Insufficiency - CAFL
Lymphatic System 1: Lymphs and Detox - PROV
Lymphatic System 2: Lymph Support - CAFL
Parasites and Liver Function: Liver 1 - PROV, Liver 2 - PROV, Liver Flukes - CAFL, Liver Function Balance - XTRA
Remove Chemical Materials: Detox Pesticide - XTRA, Detox Fluoride - XTRA
Remove Intestinal Toxins: Detox 1 Toxins in the Intestines - CAFL
Remove Metals: Arsenic as - XTRA, Mercury Toxicity V - CAFL, Heavy Metal Toxicity - XTRA
Remove Systemic Toxins 1: Detox Toxic Proteins - XTRA, Detox Toxins Elimination 1 - XTRA
Remove Systemic Toxins 2: Detox Toxins Elimination 2 - XTRA
Remove Systemic Toxins 3: Detox 4 Toxins Throughout the Body - CAFL
Hope this helps.
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