Since every now and again, in an upgrade or if you unplug your generators and then run spooky then exit and replug in your gens and run spooky again, it renames the USB ports, so your generators have a new number. I use the little white spooky stickers since they work great, and I number my generators to the USB port they find in spooky software. with all generators off, start a generator with terrain, and one will go from the little red off box to a blue on box, whatever that gen number was write it on the round sticker and stick it to the gen knob, lightly stick it so you can remove it and re-stick it if necessary. Next, load a new generator with terrain, you will have to select a numbered gen to load it, write this number on the sticker and select start and that gen red box will change to blue as well. do this with all gens. and now you can always tell by clicking the gen in spooky and look at the program that is running as well as look at the number on the generator. if for some reason they change, just pull the sticker and move it around or make new one and stick it.
If you have the GX, it is listed as "PORT [gen number] - [running] or [stopped] on the generator display, one list for each generator. port is equal to the USB port number listed on the generator square in Spooky2.
as far as the remote goes, if you see it on one and not the other, swap the remotes real quick temporary and see if it lights up then, then swap them back, once you see the lights work, just do not worry about them anymore. I do not even look at them anymore, I just look at the generator and look and see if the frequencies change now and again. when you click on a generator, look at the frequency and glance at your generator and see if the frequency matches, then good to go.
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