1. Magnetism readings comparison, from the picture, https://www.rifetech.eu/comparison/
mG = milliGauss of Magnetic flux density, or from an electromagnetic field.
Spooky2 0.82 mG
Sanoplasma 2.30 mG
Many electromagnetic fields are produced from Coils like PEMF, but if Sanoplasma is measured with any of the following devices:
1. Semiconductor electronic component "Hall Effect Device" Sensor
2. A Clamp or Fork style Ammeter (Amperage Meter)
3. Electrical Current flow Amperage Sensor
Any of these Sensors can be used to compare relative Electrical Current flow Amperage of similar devices.
Sanoplasma is shown has a many times stronger electromagnetic (Magnetic) field of Plasma then another rife machine.
RF readings comparison, from the picture,
Spooky2 10.2 mW milliWatts 10−3 = 0.0102 Watts
Sanoplasma 9.68 uW microWatts 10−6 = 0.00000968 Watts
The text next to the Sanoplasma test picture, explains the reason of a very low RF reading for the Sanoplasma, "special filters". With the Sanoplasma the RF may be like unwanted SMOG, trash, or noise. Using very low RF power is not typical for some of the other Rife devices.
The frequencies and waveforms generated and measured would need to be within frequency range and waveform type of the meter used, to be valid.
I have no comment about an "Electric Field", having never used or measured an "Electric Field", myself.
2. The meter shown in the photos is an Extech EMF450, which can only accurately measure electric and magnetic fields up to 60 Hz. Why are they using this meter on Spooky Central which is operating thousands of times faster than the meter can handle?
RF stands for Radio Frequency. All of Royal Rife's frequencies were in the fast, RF band. RF frequencies are needed to resonate microorganisms. Without RF, you do not have a Rife machine.
The SANOPLASMA uses the same principle as cheap, slow, old-fashioned "EMEM" machines. These utilize vehicle ignition coils to create sparks through the tube. These fell out of favor when people discovered that they did not work very well, since they cannot operate at RF speeds.
I hope their info does not mislead people into thinking the SANOPLASMA is superior in any way.
3. The static magnetic field of the Earth is about 500 mGauss (or 0.5 Gauss).
So the tubes emit nearly nothing as it comes to the magnetic field.
To the amount of the electric field:
Any 20 Euro Plasma Ball (toy) emit a field above 2000V/m (depends of course on the distance to the Plasma Ball) so these 1282V/m are not impressive for me.
4. If pic1 is Spooky Plasma the one on the left then they are demonstrating that the Spooky plasma is 1000 times more effective than the unit on the right because the 10.2 RF value is in mW where as the 9.68 is in uW. On small tubes like are being made today you want high RF output since they can't create the large magnetic fields required to penetrate far enough in to the body. High electric fields are bad news as they affect everything in the body and can't be targeted at a particular pathogen in my opinion.
There seems to be a stunned silence to my previous post showing that Sanoplasma has shot itself in the foot with its comparison against Spooky so I am going to ram the point home. Spooky Plasma will be 1000 times better against cancer and other pathogens compared to the Sanoplasma. Spooky is much safer because it only gives off the High RF at the treatment frequency and not other uncontrolled fields. The high RF output of Spooky is the reason people are having success against cancer where other machines are not.
For more details, please check the link:
According to this vid Sanoplasma radiates much stornger RF than Spooky2
If only RF matters (as you say) why do we need plasma devices? Ordinary radio transmitter would do the job.
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