I'm 69. I learned when l was 68. If you have little or no computer skills, it will be difficult. If you need Spooky2 to get well and don't have computer skills, get someone to help you or take a physical classroom basic computer course. Age doesn't matter. What matters is learning basic computer stuff.
If you don't try to learn it all at once. Learn to run Programs or Presets. Use the XM as it is simpler and less expensive in case you decide it is not for you so you won't have as much of an investment. If you make your lessons small enough it should be quite doable!
I am 73 years and 8.5 months old. I have 5 XMs and 1 XPro.
I have eliminated parasites and a lump on my leg. And am running programs on 8 other people and our rat terrier.
With 60,000 entries in the database, the odds are great that some frequency is going to affect something in you as well. Don’t hesitate.
Just cause you are old it does not make you stupid. I am much smarter now. I learn so much now. Besides, there is a alsihmer and dementia app for that. Lots of apps for rejuvenation, anti-aging, and so on. I lost 46 pounds in 5 months. Healed my painful body. I would highly recommend spooky2. Also spooky2 on youtube is great. Love these apps.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2/permalink/2850136911814860/
Learning Center: https://www.spooky2-mall.com/spooky2-learning-center/
Spooky2 Academy: https://www.spooky2academy.com/
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