Yes. Please don’t worry about it. It is probably a Herxheimer reaction. Herxheimer reaction is a detoxification response. Excessively large amounts of microbial or cncer cell waste and toxins hinder the body’s ability to adequately eliminate it through the usual channels (breakdown by the liver, through the colon or urinary tract). So instead, the toxic material is discharged through the lungs, sinuses and skin. Symptoms can include a flu-like condition, heavy perspiration and night sweats, fever, with or without chills, headaches, malaise, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, pain in joints and bones, and itching, flushing, and reddening of skin.
Usually these types of responses will only happen in the beginning of a new treatment. The reactions will soon stop and then you will feel better each day.
For how to reduce a herx reaction, please read this blog:
And you can watch the video for suggestions:
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