Spooky won't allow you to move a preset into a chain if the preset loop forever. This is because if a child/daughter preset loops forever, you will never proceed to the next child preset. A preset that loops forever is one whose "Run For" value and "Repeat Sequence" value are both 0 (zero). With ChainEditor, you can import these loop-forever presets into a chain, and then correct the looping issue. In ChainEditor, if you try to save a preset that has a loop-forever preset in it, ChainEditor will ask for confirmation when you try to save it (if you do opt to save, this preset will not work correctly in Spooky). To correct a looping issue, set the Run For field to the number of hours you want the child preset to run.
To correctly do the Morgellons v3.0 protocol, you first need to do a biofeedback scan, and the include the biofeedback program (the frequencies found by the scan) into 63 presets (R05-R78). I am seeing there is an opportunity for a future version of ChainEditor to make this operation of adding a program into 63 presets a one-click operation.
For more details, please check the link:
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