Chain Preset Editor.

For the last 2 weeks I've been working on a Chain Editor, a chained preset editor for chained presets that are created by the October version of Spooky2. For those of you beta testing Spooky2, and who need to edit or modify their chained presets, take a look at this editor.

With ChainEditor, you can open, edit, and save chained presets. As for editing, you can do the following:
cut, copy and paste between chained presets open in different windows
import child presets using the + button
move child presets in the chain with the ↑ and ↓ button
delete child presets in the chain with the - button
drag and drop child presets from the Windows/File Explorer
change some properties of child presets:
Repeat Chain
Repeat Sequence
Run For
undo and redo edits

The edits you make can operate on multiple child presets at once by selecting multiple child presets in the Presets listbox. You can use Shift-Click in the listbox to extend the selection, or Control-Click in the listbox to make a disjoint selection.

To install, take the zip archive below, extract the contents, and double-click ChainPreset.msi. If you don't have .NET 2.0 installed, you will be asked to install it. You can download .NET 2.0 from Microsoft here: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2

For more details, please check the link:

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