Is it just as effective to use .33 as dwell multiplier on Spooky Central for plasma treatments? What about for contact and remote?

With plasma you will want to aim for between 3 and 15 minutes per frequency. Usually I use 5 min. per frequency unless I got time to run it longer.

Rife used more than 3 minutes if I understand correctly, and Anthony's recent data suggest that it can take up to 3 minutes to start to devitalize pathogens.

So .33 would reduce the time to 1 minute which may not be enough time. Works well on remotes due to the repeat factor.

All database entries were setup with dwells that are appropriate for contact mode.

With that in mind, less than the default dwells (typically 180 seconds) will reduce the efficacy of contact mode. The frequency sets have thus been setup to try and keep most contact sessions to around 1 hour.

With remotes, we have it repeating all day, usually 24/7. It was discovered that one could use a dwell multiplier of .33, but repeat the frequency more often in a shorter period of time, so in reality you weren't getting more for less time, but were able to repeat more often.

Detox protocols with a default dwell of 78 seconds did not work as well when using the .33 dwell multiplier over a year's testing and so while some may still use this older technique, remotes are now being setup with a dwell multiplier of 1 more often than not.

The boost just allows you twice the amplitude range and via contact, 4 times the available power (double the voltage square the power).

For more details, please check the link:

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