Do people receiving remote healing (not using kill mode) ie sleep issues tend to experience a worsening of their symptoms? Is this a normal reaction. I just want to know if it is common so that I can know what to expect with other healing sessions.

The JW Healing preset is a Square wave delivering frequencies at an Amplitude of 5V. That could easily pass as a "killing" configuration. What is much more important than preset or waveform is the actual frequencies/programs you use for this attempted healing. Rife technology is a lot better at killing than anything to do with the small number of healing or "detox" programs in the database. There's the Songs of the Spine, Solfeggio frequencies, Schumann Resonance, some organ entrainment and a few other programs that could pass as "healing". Everything else (in my opinion) is killing, including the detox programs.

For more details, please check the link:

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