I would like to ask you whether Spooky2 would run with no problems on a windows tablet.

1. Spooky2 works perfect on Windows, but a tablet needs usb port to work.
Also if your windows tablet runs windows ce, I don't think it will work.

2. You have to be careful when buying a Windows tablet for use with Spooky. Not all will support using the single USB port for data in conjunction with charging the tablet, which usually happens via the same USB port. When this is not supported, then you can only run Spooky for as long as the battery lasts, which might be only 7 hours or less. Also, the screen is pretty small.

I would recommend search ebay for the netbook with Windows 8.1 or Windows 7, that has a display with at least 1280 pixels across or higher. Many will have 1366, which is better. But older netbooks will only have 1024 pixels across, and you want to avoid this.

I recently bought a netbook from ebay for $86.81 for the following: HP Mini 5103 10.1" Netbook Laptop Intel Atom 1.83GHz 2GB RAM 160GB HDD Windows 7. This netbook has a display with 1366 pixels across.

3. Spooky2 software requires Windows. If your tablet has Windows and a way to connect a USB hub, then it will work. Otherwise, an old laptop will be fine.

For more details, please check the link:
https://www.spooky2.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=84771#p84771 https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2/permalink/1362465393915360/

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