Spooky2 central GeneratorX Pro kit with phanotron tube and Straight plasma tube. With Spooky2 GeneratorX Pro, you can do fast biofeedback scan 2-3 times a week, and found the frequencies your body needs, then run the frequencies using Spooky2 central. Meanwhile you can run detoxing program, organ support, and system healing using Remote mode. Since Spooky2 central is very powerful in killing cancer cells and other pathogens, and Spooky2 remote is very gentle in healing your body. Straight plasma tube is very good for full body treatment, and phanotron tube is perfect for local target treatment.
Reviews from our users:
1. Spooky2 Plasma Has Helped Me Get Great Success in Treating Stage IV Breast Cancer
I’ve had very good success getting after my Stage IV breast cancer that spread to my bones by using my Plasma unit (now replaced with the Central unit) and my Plasma long tube running overnight on me 2-3 times per week. I’ve also had the same frequency running by Remote 24/7 and running a detox program 24/7 as well. My last two scans (April 2023 and July 2023) showed “no evidence of active disease!!
The frequency I used:
>Presets>Cancer>Plasma (or Remote depending)>Cancer Bacillus Licheniformis) (P) or (R depending) – JW. Read the notes on the right…..very interesting!!
2. Prostate Cancer, Chronic Pancreatitis, and Diabetes Had Gone
A little over a year ago I was dealing with a 3rd to almost 4th stage prostate cancer I had chronic pancreatitis for the last 5 years from taking a drug called jenovia for my diabetes at which I was not able to drink any alcohol or eat any red meat, I’ve had Type 2 diabetes for over 14 years, until now. Spooky 2 and spooky Central have taken care of all of those problems and now for the 1st time in my life I have absolutely nothing wrong with me. I had an MRI scan of my prostate actually I had 3 the 1st one told me that I had cancer, 90% Pad5 (the worst it could be on a scale of 1-5 ) On my right side, and 35% Pad 3 on the right side. The 2nd one told me that when I figured out how to use the central unit for my cancer that I’d killed it on 1 side but I’d never put the photo on tube on the other side. But after putting it on the other side of my prostate I am now totally 100% prostate cancer free the mri scan showed that I not only did not have cancer but there was no sign that there ever was cancer there before. Spooky 2 is the best thing that has ever happened to me and several of my friends have benefited from this also.
More reviews here: https://www.spooky2reviews.com/category/product/spooky-central/
I’m in the same boat with you as I have prostate cancer that returned after killing it with pin Point radiation 3 years ago! I will find out in two weeks when I get a CAT scan. You wrote that you killed the cancer on one side but not the other side . I’m placing the plasma 3” below my naval. What the actual position on the other side ? Thanks
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