How long have you been using and what all did you have to purchase to find your success who have or are healing and seeing progress from mold toxicity and or bacterial issues/parasites?



1. I am on month 3 of treating and hitting parasites. I’m full of them. boo. I was down to eating only 4 foods without reacting, i could not even eat lettuce, after spooky cleared parasites in my pancreas, I was able to eat foods again. I was also unable to use my arms, I’m bedridden, my left I could so so but my right i could not. I am now able to use my right arm and feed myself. it's been 2 yrs! I am also sleeping at night, before, i would be in horrible pain and my body would go stiff and numb and felt like concrete. that is gone too! each day i am seeing more and more small improvements. my mental state has greatly improved. I’m also a moldy.

To start I think 4 generators is the way to go and if you can afford the central, even better.

2. I think I have determined that one of my problems is mold and related toxins.

I have used Plasma Mold Sweeps in the house, as well as cleaning with hydrogen peroxide wherever I see mold spots. This has reduced symptoms significantly. I am not as consistent with the Plasma as I should be, probably, as I am also helping some others with issues.

I have been present when some of the mold sweeps were running, plus doing foot baths and running M&L Protocol to reduce all pathogens within.

Central plus 8 generators. They are constantly running. I started with 2 generators in June 2016 and have added since then.

For more details, please check the link:

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