While setting up a few new generators, I found myself going back over the generator user manual. The reason we are getting 15 columns of 1024 numbers each is that each generator can store up to 15 arbitrary waveforms.
3.3.9 With 15 sets arbitrary waveform storage locations for users self-defining,
memory depth of each set is 1024*10 bits;
When you export the waveform for a generator, all 15 relate to the specific generator and not to any other. As for which waveform is which, it really depends. Spooky2 populates all 15 arbitrary waveforms when you load a program to the generator.
When I looked to see which one was in use, Output 1 was written to position 1, and the invert+sync waveform was written to position 15.
When I used two different waveforms (sine and square), Out 1 went to position 1 and Out 2 went to position 2.
The use of Follow Out 1 used position 1 for both outputs.
I did not test all possible configurations. The best advice I can give is to go to the advanced menu and select Write USB capture log just before loading the generator. Then after the generator starts, immediately stop it and go back to the advanced menu and uncheck Write USB capture log. This will flush the output to the file c:\spooky2\USB_log.txt
By looking for the commands :w21 (ch1) and :w22 (ch2) and examining the data after (101-115), you can find out which slot was being used. For example :w21101 is ch1 arbitrary waveform 1, while :w22115 is ch2 arbitrary waveform 15.
For more details, please check the link:
Where is the "Write USB capture log selection mentioned in the text ?
"The best advice I can give is to go to the advanced menu and select Write USB capture log just before loading the generator."
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