1. Use the Utils, Identify Generators menu command. This will put the generator COM # in the last 2 digits of the Frequency section of the generator display.
Label each generator with a sticky note or similar, as each time the computer is restarted, the numbers may change.
2.What I did was run the signal test - I think it's under Miscellaneous (I'm not where my gens are) - under preset, choose signal test, then go to control. You will see the gens. allow overwrite, choose one of the gens (note it's number), and it will load the signal test. Hit start. One of your gens will light up. That's the number of the generator that you chose. Note it with either a sticky note or a piece of paper tape. That number will be constant until you either restart the computer (as Joe mentioned) or unplug and replug your USB cables.
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