I see setting up about Clark Dual Zapper preset (C), if it uses just one port from the boost, how can generator emit both frequencies, 2500 and 30000 100% positive all the time? What about if I set up +100 offset for both Outputs?

1. If you use the BN port, you will the get the output of Out 1 + Out 2, the Out 2 gets inverted in 180 degree Phase by default configuration of the boost, so it's always the opposite of Out 1. Because of this, when you set up out 2 to -100 offset, it will get inverted to +100 offset on the boost, resulting in what we want. I hope I'm being clear enough. And yes, we get trough contact and remote always both outs frequencies, being the same or being different, but you will only get the boost fullest amplitude when you use inverse+sync, which is not needed, but can be helpful.

2.There are a number of things going on in this Preset.

First, Out 2 is 12 times the frequency of Out1, so the low frequency is being generated on Out1, the larger on Out 2. The frequencies are blended in the Boost into one output.

Second, rather than Invert and Sync, Out 2 is set to Follow Out1. The negative Offset should be fine since the Boost will Invert Out2, so this will then make it be additive to Out1 when both are “hi”.

For more details, please check the link:

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