I've been running some contact Blood Cleanse lately, and had a herx after 25 minutes of this. If I were to start 11 day Remote Terrain program, is there anything I should look out for as a reason to stop?

1. I'm new to this as well, but I think it's a basic rule to always start new programs/presets at daytime while you're awake so that you can stop treatment if the herxing gets to strong.

I'm a little surprised at the herxing I'm experiencing as well, I've just used it a couple of weeks myself.. But I see it as a very positive thing, a sign that something going on. But it can easily get too much, so we better precede with caution.

2. If you have amalgam fillings ,then, I would consider skipping the mercury detox.
If you are experiencing herx and it's uncomfortable, then, consider reducing the Amplitude in Settings tab. Some people use amplitudes as low as 2.0 volts. Also, taking a one day break may work as well.

For more details, please check the link:

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