1. I've heard of a Spectrum Sweep for pests and molds (link below). I wash fruit in water, mixed with cider vinegar, That removes some toxins. Organic is best, but even organic is sometimes not toxin free.
2.I'd guess there is a difference between pests and toxins and what the frequency does to each and how they are cleared. If it is a pest, the frequency would kill it so it would work with a produce sample too, but for toxins it depends whether the frequency can disintegrate them or not. When we use metal or toxin frequencies on our body they do not disintegrate the stuff but supposedly "shake" these toxins/substances out of where they are lodged, and then they are cleared by the body. So even if they start "shaking" them on the produce sample, I do not think there is a way a cabbage or carrot could detox them same way as human body... I guess the idea of "disintegrate factor" was good and might be applicable to a vegetable as well but apparently it did not work as expected so for the time being we are better off using the traditional methods to disinfect foods. Cider vinegar, ozonated water etc.
3. There is a Newport preset frequency for glyphosate and I believe there is one in database also cause terrain has it on pesticides if I'm not wrong. But have no idea using it to clear up toxins on fruits,etc.
For more details, please check the link:
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