- For use "zapper" as defined by H. Clark, the device must be used with a direct current with a 0.25V offset. How is your Spooky 2-XM in "contact" mode (with the tubes) usable while it is powered by 220V?
- Doc Hulda's zapper is one of the best to remove viruses but the frequencies are slightly different with Spooky2.
- In reading Hulda Clark settings in the user guide. Could someone give an example of when to choose +100/+100 and when to choose +100/-100. Are they both called 100% offset?
- The Hulda Clark blueprint of the importance of the zapper being always at a positive offset, square wave and where the volt never goes down to zero regardless of frequency between 10 to 500000hz. How to do with Spooky2 that never reaches zero volt?
- Make Hulda Clark Zapper with Spooky2.
- The Hulda Clark presets is like the zapper? One frequency to kill all kinds of pathogens?
- Hulda Clark's frequencies Presets from OUT1 & OUT2 for one to three persons zapping at the same time.
- How to set up Spooky2 as Zapper in manual mode?
- I have a hand held Bob Beck zapper. I then attach velcro to a round flat magnet and I put a little piece of finger nail and some pieces of my hair between the magnet and velcro the "spooky action" should or may or maybe not help me.
- Now, the 9v from Hulda Clark zapper is DC, and the power from the generator outlet is AC, so my question is: Is the spooky2 generator less powerful as the simple numbers show? or do the different types of current even out the differences?
- I see that despite the marketing says "it can used as a Hulda Clark Zapper", the device is actually 5v and not 9V, which Hulda Clark suggests to use.
- Can Spooky2 be used as Hulda Clark Zapper?