Frequencies for cancer.

1. The attached patent contains frequencies for different cancers. They are defined by measurements done by professional people. If one is interested in them, do read the patent to understand the context and how the frequencies should be used.
As you might know, any patent or patent application information may be used for personal purpose.


2. Interesting information. Just wanted to highlight some important details for anyone who wishes to try this out. All frequencies listed are amplitude modulation frequencies to be used with a carrier.

In the document, the following can be found:

The RF carrier oscillator 32 produces a RF carrier frequency of about 27 MHz. Other embodiments of the invention contemplate RF carrier frequencies of about 48 MHz, and about 433 MHz or about 900 MHz. In general, the RF carrier frequency produce by carrier oscillation 32 has spectral frequency components less than about 1 GHz and preferably between about 1 MHz and about 916 MHz. Although the described embodiment contemplates that once set, the carrier osillator frequency remains substantially constant, the carrier frequency produced by carrier oscillator 32 may be variable and controllable by microprocessor 21 by use of stored or transmitted control information.

Further down on the next page:

The device emits a 27.12 MHz radio frequency signal, amplitude-modulated at cancer-specific frequencies ranging from 0.2 to 23,000 Hz with high precision. The device is connected to a spoon-like coupler, which is placed in the patient's mouth during treatment.

So appears that the carrier is 27.12 MHz which is modulated by all the frequencies in the document.

The study that is included in the document also used this combination of 27.12 MHz modulated by the list of frequencies in each set.

Here in lies the important detail:

The frequencies listed are not MORs. Being that they are AM Frequency modulators, they interact and produce a predictable list of frequencies when interacting with the 27.12 MHz carrier. However, knowing which of the frequencies generated is the actual MOR would take much research time.

The only way to replicate their use of the frequencies would require Spooky2 to generate a 27.12 MHz carrier and amplitude modulate it with the list. This is not going to be easy to replicate.

However, if one were to do the calculations to derive the sideband frequencies generated, perhaps the list can be narrowed down.

Sure running the frequency list as is could maybe prove to be useful, but just wanted to properly put the data provided into perspective.

3. I agree....great information. I know that making 27Mhz machines + sidebands isn't easy electronically and that may be why they took this approach, rather than use a carrier that would be electronically much easier to copy.

4. CB transceivers work on 27MHz - citizen band.


There are also multiple papers on the net about therapeutic use of PEMF at the same frequency -
also -

27Mhz is (was) main frequency for SWD (Short Wave Diathermy). More about Pulsed Shortwave Therapy here -

Quite some time ago I had an idea about running water jet through the center of insulated coil (antenna) which was supposed to be powered by modulated 27MHz. Due to many other ideas brewing under my skull this one remained in rough sketch form. The goal was to see if passing water can be structured in beneficial way and used first to irrigate plants. They respond much quicker than animals and humans.
Very interesting subject.

For more details, please check the link:

5. If you search cancer into the programs section it will outline plenty of frequencies.
Also if you're unsure, you may also run the Rife Spectrum Sweeps which covers a huge range of frequencies including Cancer.

6. Try incorporating CancerTool.

For more details, please check the link:

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