A New Kind of Dual Weighted Sweep

The Dual Weighted Sweep includes a main sweep (MS) and a secondary sweep (SS), the span of which is 1/4 of the main one. Usually, one thinks of the Dual Weighted Sweep in terms of a main sweep with one quarter of it being thoroughly swept thanks to the secondary sweep.

Now, why not reverse the standpoint and focus on the quarter part of the scan thoroughly swept and consider the 3/4 of the main sweep span as an auxiliary sweep helping for the small accurately swept frequency span?

In a previous post,

I stated that the 4 offsets for the 4 possible quarter sweeping are :
for Q1 : out2 = 1/4 * out1 + 3/4 * f1
for Q2 : out2 = 1/4 * out1 + 1/2 * f1 + 1/4 * f2
for Q3 : out2 = 1/4 * out1 + 1/4 * f1 + 1/2 * f2
for Q4 : out2 = 1/4 * out1 + 3/4 * f2
and for centering the SS on the MS :
Center : out2 = 1/4 * out1 + 3/8 * (f1+f2)

Let us consider the center SS although the same calculation could be done for any other quarter of the main sweep.
Center : out2 = 1/4 * out1 + 3/8 * (f1+f2)

This means that given a MS sweeping from out1=f1 to out1=f2, the SS will sweep

f’1 = 1/4*f1+3/8*(f1+f2) to
f’2 = 1/4*f2+3/8*(f1+f2)

If we are interested in f’1 and f’2 rather than f1 and f2, let us express f1 & f2 as functions of f’1 and f’2. We get by adding and subtracting the two previous equations :
a=4*(f’1 -f’2) = f1-f2
b=f’1+f’2 =1/4*(f1+f2)+3/4*(f1+f2) = f1+f2

This means that in order to sweep thoroughly the secondary sweep spanning from f’1 to f’2, one can program a main sweep centered on the secondary sweep, spanning from
f1=5/2*f’1-3/2*f’2 to

Let us try with an example: Hulda Clark's frequency span for Borrelia Burgdorferi and Chlamydia Trachomatis are very close. We shall merge both and get the frequency span: f'1=378950 Hz to f'2=383950 Hz.

In order to create a dual weighted sweep for this span, we calculate the corresponding frequencies using the above formula from the previous post : f1=5/2*f’1-3/2*f’2 to f2=5/2*f’2-3/2*f’1 which gives f1=371450 Hz to f2=391450 Hz.

We then calculate OUT2 for a centered dual weighted sweep using the formula given in
the previous post: OUT2=0.25*OUT1 + 3/8*(f1+f2).

As this sweep is made for remote transmission, a Frequency Multiplier = 2*2^0.5 = 2.83 is entered to correct the light speed to vacuum light speed.

This factor multiplies all the frequencies except the offset (it is a remaining flaw in Spooky) which we have to multiply by hand. This gives : OUT2=0.25*OUT1 + 2.83*3/8*(f1+f2) = 0.25*OUT1 + 809177.6451
We then open the "Create spectrum sweep" screen on Spooky and enter the f1 and f2 frequencies.
The preset including this Lyme & Chlamydia sweep program and the waveform used are attached.
To use them:
1) download & copy the preset in the /preset collections/user,
2) download & copy the waveform in the /waveform directory
3) trigger a File/Refresh waveform/ so that Spooky recognizes the new waveform.
4) load the preset and start a generator with this preset

new dual centered weighted sweep for Hulda Clark lyme & chlamydia.txt

Square 71-42857% Offset.csv

For more details, please check the link from:

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