Nerve pain success.

1. I've been helping with someone with strong rheumatic like pains in joints and soft tissue, which may very well be Lyme. Certain numbers have helped it but it was minor and took hours to feel any improvement. However, the other day she had a severe bout of pains that didn't let up -- it always takes overnight to get relief. This time I tried some new numbers: 3.9,833,880,1550,10000 for 3 minutes each (the last two numbers aren't new but I used them because they kind of helped in the past). I ran all these on my EMEM5D plasma unit; as I don't have a plasma for my Spooky2. The result this time was very dramatic, immediately after the treatment she felt about am 80% improvement in pain. I really think it was the 3.9 and 833.

2. The database has nerves stimulate healing and bones stimulate healing. Radiation from x-rays need to be detoxed. The whole jaw area has undergone trauma, so you need to look up trauma in database. The healing treatments at the end of the Morgellons and Lyme protocol is a great resource: nerve, tissue, capillary, scar healing, etc. If you can, throw everything in and do a graded scan (using BPM and MiN in settings)

3. You can also have "burning nerve pain" when the nerves are infected with bugs. If your issue is in a part of the body where you can do a BFB scan over the area and treat it with the frequencies, it might help. You did not say which nerve is the problem, and there are many different possibilities why you have this feeling in a nerve pathway. I know I sometimes have bugs in a nerve in my shoulder and by using Spooky equipment, along with pure Essential oils orally and topically, I am able to stop the pain and it feels OK again.

4. I would like to add that the new joint aid product is amazing for neuropathy.

5. Run BioFilm programs and the frequency of 528 to break up the BioFilm in your body. BioFilm acts like a cellophane wrapper trapping viruses and bacteria in the body. You need to clean up the blood so that your immune system can go after and break down those hiding. This is the most effective process in healing that I have found on my healing journey! Burning nerve pain is usually virus related.

For more details, please check the link:

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