I looked in the spooky2 software but I can’t find freqs for Opisthorchis. Is here anyone who knows?

Bizarrely, the Opisthorchis genus is completely absent from the Spooky database. There's a lot of similarities between these parasites and Clonorchis sinensis, the Oriental Liver Fluke. Size, organ layout, life cycle, places in the human body they like to hang out (the liver). So maybe the frequencies that work against Clonorchis sinensis will work on the Opisthorchis parasites. You will find a bunch of frequencies in the Spooky database by searching for "Clonorchis", including one Hulda Clark sweep which may very well work on Opisthorchis. Also, Char Boehm has frequencies for Opisthorchis felineus over on her web site here:

For more details, please check the link:

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