Fulvic acid - C14H12O8: http://www.molbase.com/en/cas-479-66-3.html
918.860189,117614.104214 (Remote)
324.485,41534.080099 (Contact)
Fulvic acid 2 - C7H6O2: http://www.chemspider.com/Chemical-Structure.24770973.html
364.04265,46597.459314 (Remote)
128.55751,16455.361544 (Contact)
Humic acid - C187H186O89N9S1
11970.285045,1532196.485851 (Remote)
4227.1697,541077.721894 (Contact)
Humic acid sodium salt - C9H8Na2O4: http://www.molbase.com/en/search.html?search_keyword=C9H8Na2O4
674.109226,86285.980953 (Remote)
238.05398,30470.91051 (Contact)
I used the MM Calculation Spreadsheet to get a result for Remote & Contact mode treatments, because I want us to get the maximum out of Spooky2. Manuel Mallo wrote a detailed explanation on this thread: http://www.spooky2.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=46415#p46415.
Presets & Waveform, please download this file from:
Locate your C: drive for Spooky and copy all eight text files in your Presets folder and then copy the MM_ModSquare.csv to your Waveforms folder.
For more details, please check the link:
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