Carrier frequency of 1.6MHz and modulation frequency of 25000 Hz with freq tolerance of 0.025% and application time of 300 sec. Is this more superior to the cancer carrier sweep defined in DB method? Or are both of them the same?

This will cover 3 methods, and sorry it will be long but I will try to be as succinct as I can.

What above regarding a fixed carrier, where you vary the modulation value, is spot on. The power sent into that carrier (say 3.1 MHz) is wasted unless it is actually hitting your issue. All frequencies doing work are via sidebands (more details below) and are at less power. This is the old method of doing things and was required when the device could not actually hit higher frequencies directly.

Those devices typically could only generate up to 400,000 Hz, and so to hit say 1.6 MHz, they would have to use a fixed carrier and a modulation value that would generate 1.6 MHz via a sideband. This would be usually at a seriously reduced power level, so typically the device would need some seriously amped up power level to hit that sideband with enough energy. However, you were also at the same time subjecting yourself to a very powerful carrier wave that was static and doing nothing good if it was doing anything at all.

Spooky Central can hit 100 kHz to 3.5 MHz directly, and 0 to 99,999.99 Hz via the first lower sideband. So you can target 1.6 MHz directly with or without modulation -- depending if you wanted sidebands or not.

Now on to the methods you inquired about.

Method 1 - Targeted Direct Frequency

1.6 MHz is one of the RIFE MORs for cancer. You are not really using a fixed carrier when you set the primary frequency to this. Rather what you are doing is hitting the RIFE MOR and adding additional frequencies due to the modulation frequency of 25000 Hz.

The exact frequencies being added are called sidebands. Since your modulation is 25000 Hz, each sideband frequency will be + and - 25000 Hz from the 1.6 MHz MOR frequency that is being transmitted.

So, 1625000 Hz, 1650000 Hz, going up; and 1575000 Hz, 1550000 Hz, going down.

Each successive sideband will have less power.

The total culmination of all those frequencies will be doing work. This is a very targeted application towards RIFE's cancer MOR.

Typically you would only need to run this for say 15 minutes per session -- not a hard rule, but a starting point.

Method 2 - Dynamic Carrier Sweep

With a dynamic carrier sweep where the center frequency is set to 1.6 MHz, then most of the power will be concentrated around 1.6 MHz.

The sideband calculations above will still be the same. However, the frequency used will sweep from somewhere below 1.6 MHz to above 1.6 MHz, so that all frequencies are hit either directly, via a sideband, or via a harmonic.

Since the carrier is moving, the sideband's will change as well, even though the modulation value is fixed.

Again, since we are sweeping around 1.6 MHz, most power will be centered around 1.6 MHz. So say frequency 626 Hz will have less power, but will be hit at some point in the sweep.

The speed of the sweep will allow all frequencies to be covered for at least 300 seconds, taking into account the 0.025% MOR tolerance.

For instance, 1.6 MHz has a +- 400 Hz coverage (16000000 / 100) * 0.025. So 1599600 Hz - 1600400 Hz is covered at the same time when frequency 1600000 Hz is being transmitted via the MOR % tolerance rule. I hope this concept makes sense.

This type of of implementation will concentrate a lot of power around the RIFE cancer MOR, and yet still hit everything else to some degree.

Method 3 - DB's Dynamic Carrier Sweep

DB's method is the same as Method #2. Only it is using a center frequency of 3.2 MHz

3.2 MHz is one octave higher than 1.6 MHz, and 3.2 MHz can be generated by the SC directly.

So what we have done is moved where most of the power is concentrated at.

When we transmit 3.2 MHz, we will still hit 1.6 MHz, and 6.4 MHz via resonance. In this model 1.6 Mhz and 6.4 MHz will have the same power levels, where as when you use 1.6 MHz as the center frequency, 6.4 MHz will have a lot less power applied to it.

Suggest you read the following on harmonics if you wish to understand this concept in more depth.

When you used a fixed carrier of 3.1 MHz, it would be on Out 2, and the modulation frequency would change (usually being less than 3.1 MHz) on Out 1.

A dynamic carrier sweep, fixes the modulation on Out 2, and puts the larger frequency on Out 1 and then sweeps around your specified center frequency.

Rule of thumb, movement happens on Out 1, static on Out 2.

Modulation is usually the lower of the two values, and the carrier is the larger of the two values.

For more details, please check the link:


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