1. I suggest to try the essential oil preset and some of the programs, "Joy" as an example.
Here you go! http://www.unexplainable.com/frequencies/30hertz.php
This Doctor uses this frequency to CURE OPIATE HEROIN ADDICTION!
30 Hertz is said to replicate the effects of Marijuana and produce the same feelings of being high on THC. Euphoria, paranoia, and outer body experiences have all been reported from exposure to 30 Hertz. *(30)/biblio
30 Hertz gained popularity after the early studies on "Neuro-electric therapy and opiate addiction" by Dr. Meg Patterson, were posted on the web. Her tests on patients exposed to 30 Hertz suggested that this particular frequency had the ability to create feelings of being high on Marijuana. She is "recognised as a pioneer in the field of electro-medicine" and has a growing fan base in online frequency circles. *(30.1)/biblio
I would not buy anything since I already have spooky2. I'd just program the 30Hz signal and Puff Puff pass VIRTUALLY!! Nine of the smoke and all the benefits!
Her book is on Amazon.
2. I use dopamine on one generator and nothing else it works for me. I never wanted to get out of bed or felt any motivation to do anything, even tho so was and still am on a antidepressant. It's worked for me. I at last have motivation and get pleasure once again not to the high level but enough to keep going And live in this world. I run it all the time. I tried going if my mess but that didn't go to well but doing both Really helps. I'm still on the June 2015 program. As I'm too scared to touch it to try to update...lol get my son to do that. I did try seratonin but no effect. Hope this helps a little.
For more details, please check the link:
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