1. Remove all sugar for a couple of weeks besides papaya and pineapple, feed him coconut oil and water, no dairy, no meat, for starters. there are TONS of protocols for dealing with parasites.
For more details, please check:
2. I would run candida and worm programs on remote every day or two till you don’t see the problem, then once a month for a while after that.
3. My son has a recurrent problem with them. I ran the enterobiasis and eggs programs around the full moon each month. Then using muscle testing, we found out he had an emotion passed down from his grandfather that caused a 'pocket' in his bowel where the worms liked to reproduce. After clearing the emotions, then taking a vertex tablet as prescribed, the worms have gone and it is now been 3mths and no signs of worms! I should add to that when we cleared the emotion, his rectum/anus, which was red and inflamed and slightly protruding, actually got 'sucked in' for a few mins then released to a normal state. Was incredible! So for those of you having problems with recurring worms, find a good kinesiologist and find the emotion likely to be causing it.
For more details, please check the link:
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