1. My past trauma started healing due to diet prior to finding Spooky, but I have used Spooky to help with related symptoms, as well as some that didn't seem related, but have helped.
One of the unlikely programs I highly recommend is Hypothalamus Normalize or Function Balance. If the body stored any sensitivity to this type of trauma, it will most likely be included in this organ, so balancing it seems to reduce reactions to similar future occurrences. Please treat this carefully at the beginning.
For more details, please check:
2. Not sure about frequencies for PTSD off the top of my head, but I know Spooky2 has programs for them.
There are also issues to do with anxiety, the mind and adrenaline in which nutrition can play a part. You can either administer these with vitamin supplements or Spooky2 can apply them (such as magnesium) via the MW (molecular weight) programs.
For more details, please check the link:
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