What programs do you recommend for heart attack and brain damage?

Let’s see our users’ suggestions:

  1. There are oxygenate programs. Search brain, healing and regeneration, accelerated healing.
  2. If it were my family member I would also be looking at the covid, graphene oxide and spike protein presets. There is a mountain of scientific and anecdotal evidence around the world today that shows the "shot" is causing massive numbers of heart attacks and strokes. And you don't even need to have had the shot to be effected by spike protein given off by someone else.
  3. Apart from everything mentioned above also do detox. A clean body has miracelous healing power. Lost brainfunction can be taken over by other parts of the brain.
  4. Heart function balance, normalize, heart failure, heart attack-1, copy the frequency, write it...

Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2/posts/2738232566338629/

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