My skin is in not a good condition with a form of Eczema similar to psoriasis on the right ankle skin flaking off, behind the right knee weeping skin, the right elbow skin flaking all of my chest and upper back skin leathery and stings plus itches.

1. You might start with Colon Function Balance and/or Constipation programs in a Healing Preset to see if you can get proper movement to alleviate the issue.

2. I can relate to some of your skin and sluggish digestive system issues. My skin flares up with certain foods that seem to provoke histamine reactions: most wines (except for very dry pinot noir), ice cream, and a few other items. I get red blotchy, itchy patches on the back of knees, at ankles, hips, thighs - seems to be associated with lymph nodes. As long as I stay away from a lot of sweets and histamine-provoking foods, I'm pretty good. As for the sluggishness, parasites are worth looking into, specifically ropeworm. You can find some interesting articles on dealing with parasites using herbs here: As some of the posters above, I would be considering the terrain protocol, and a paleo-based diet.

3. Moving to a warmer oceanside climate sounds like a great idea - give your body a chance to catch up and recover. I was able to reduce my heavy metals with good mineral supplementation and green smoothies for chelation. As the heavy metals (lead, arsenic, cadmium) came out of me, my mouth tasted like I was chewing on foil for 3 months, but after that, things went back to normal. I've found I have to be careful with herbs around the full moon. Parasites (as I understand it) disengage from intestinal walls during that time, the die-off can be large and herx can be brutal - overwhelming a number of systems. I basically have 2 or 3 detox frequency sets running all the time, with maybe a week off per month. I hope the new and evolving Spooky system meets your needs. It's a fantastic system, but everyone's body and response is different - we all have to use it in a way that best works with our individual constitutions.

For more details, please check the link from:

4. In addition to run your scan results and any programs specific to your particular skin condition, have a look at RX Healing C. I have it running 24/7 for months at a time. Ditto RX Healing A which helps with healing skin scar tissue.
Presets > Cancer > DB > Remote > RX Healing C and RX Healing A.
The same presets can also be found in the Morgellons & Lyme folder.

For more details, please check the link:


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