For the last fortnight my health has been very up and down. When down the symptoms are fatigue, shaky, weak sometimes trembly limbs. Sometimes hot flashes or temperatures, don't know which. Nausea, lack of apetite. I don't know how to do biofeedback?

1. There are a number of different avenues that can be followed...

You should probably have a detox pathways maintenance program running all of the time - M&L Protocol has a Maintenance Program or you could just let the Terrain Protocol loop on a generator with remote or make up one of your own...

I have put together a program of many of the "Balance" programs for different organs or body systems in the database and have had it running for about a month now. The adjustment has been interesting and symptomatic, but I do feel it is helping stop some of the allergic reactions to garbage being removed from the body - which is allowing the body to clear it faster.

There are also a big group of "Normalize" programs for different body systems as well... You could put some of these most appropriate to you into a group - or run them individually to keep symptoms contained to single body systems at a time to start getting things normalized slowly.

2. I would consider running frequencies re: PTSD.
I also would type in the word "emotion(s)" and scroll through to see if anything resonates.

For more details, please check the link:

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