1. If these are confirmed metastases, you should also run frequencies for the primary cancer that caused them because the cancer cells will have originated from that.
2. I would suggest running BIOFEEDBACK with Spooky pulse, save and refine the frequencies, then treat with that as well! There is Nothing like having your body tell you want is wrong.
3. To my humble opinion. Use the healing remote mode for Lung problems 24x7 for a month.
Use the contact killing mode for the scanned bugs 3 times a week.
4. You will find many posts for "sarcoma" using the search function in this forum. I also recommend doing other cancer protocols as secondary support.
I find the 8D-LRIS bioresonance scanner a great help in finding what other issues are happening as well that need attention. Also gives you good feedback on how effective the spooky programs are working. Research kidney issues as well.
5. I have used Spooky Central to get rid of pain in as little as 20 minutes by loading and running frequencies that deal with easing pain and discomfort listed in the database.
I also suggest you look up Black Salve Cancer Cure!
WARNING GRAPHIC REAL PEOPLE, REAL PHOTOS AND REAL SUCCESS! In fact it is so good (apparently) that it seems Facebook is censoring them now, and their Facebook page for this miracle is down!
Also the Beck Blood Electrifier which I also use, works different from Spooky2 and it is CHEAP and it may be of value to you as well.
Lastly research all you can about the side effects of Chemo and be pro-active as much as you can in dealing with the situation. This is a good place to start for good information.
For more details, please check the link:
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