Are there any suggestions on treating eczema?

1. Have you tried coconut oil?

Also, consider trying pure gum Turpentine - Tony Pantallaresco Healing with Turpentine: and Tony Pantallaresco Cleanse/Extraction with Salt + Turpentine

Here is another healing remedy for skin issues by Tony Pantallaresco

He also says this remedy is useful for Morgellons, and varicose veins. Additionally, he says people with osteoporosis should take more salt and less calcium.

2. Do you have Spooky2 Cold Laser? Give it a try. Ultraviolet is reported to be effective but I see some people using red too. PEMF seems helpful too if you have it.

I have been helping someone with eczema too and MRSA seems to help. I can't try the lights or PEMF because it's long distance.

Coconut oil is a good suggestion as well as bentonite clay. I always check as well to see what others are doing in foreign countries.
Ted has a good reputation for natural remedies and he suggests the cause as a mycobacterium or fungus so try those frequencies on Spooky2.

Ted's recipe: 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider vinegar plus at least 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 or preferably 1 glass of water. Taken usually three times a day. However, if the conditions of eczema are present, usually I will raise the baking soda remedy from 1/4 teaspoon to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 2 tablespoons of ACV in 1 full glass of water taken at least twice a day instead.

My last suggestion is to get some alkaline water and give it a go since acidity seems to be part of the issue. I have a choice to get alkaline water at my health food store by refilling gallon jugs with their filtration system for a good price.

For more details, please check the link:

3. I have eczema. It goes away when I consume an organic vegan and or living foods diet ...comes back when I get lazy and consume glyphosate foods. I think eczema is caused by "glyphosate" or "pesticides" and or vaccines, which create an environment for parasitical/fungi invasion on skin at moment. I am experimenting with molecular weight glyphosate with Apply Disintegrative Factor.

4. Cows milk can cause eczema, and your liver could need healing. Skin issues sometimes start in the liver.

5. I had a bad case, open sore, very itchy, on almost the entire tops of my feet that would not go away for over 6 years. It was horrible, I literally tried everything I could think of. A friend did remote Spooky2 on me, which may have helped, but a Chinese herbalist looked at me and said "toxic liver". After using his herbal cleanse for a month, I found and started doing "The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush" by Andreas Moritz every month for 16 months, flushed out thousands of toxic stones, and that skin condition, amazingly, finally went away! I also was guided to the Violet Ray, first started using an old remedy called Gentian Violet to paint on the area (stains and is very messy but a great antiseptic), and then was able to get an antique Violet Ray machine on eBay, and used the ray to treat the area also. As Kathy Mazzola mentioned, look for liver issues.

For more details, please check the link:

6. One of the Presets in Miscellaneous \ Remote folder is Eczema (R) - JK. Obviously, this runs via Remote, so can run all of the time until it brings relief.

Of course, always monitor to make sure the person is drinking enough clean water to flush the toxins out as well as keeping within the pain tolerance so there is not excess Herx activity.

For more details, please check:

7. Three weeks ago we were on a farm holiday with my 6-year-old grandson. He had almost immediate bad allergic reactions especially a very itchy white rash on his arms. I used a combination of Spooky2 Rife frequencies, prayer and organic Moroccan pure hemp seed oil which was rubbed on his arms. The rash subsided within the first day and has not returned. It could be well worth a try to help with eczema.

8. The 3 min MW frequencies will repeat until stopped by you. It's good to have the ability to control the generator in case of any adverse drug reactions and there is an adverse drug reaction frequency set you can run alongside too to prevent such an eventuality. Then alongside that you can run eczema frequencies and skin healing frequencies to add to anything else you are doing to help the process.

9. I too have ongoing problems with eczema - but recently found Spooky2 frequencies for Cancer Mycosis Fungoides which has the following explanation: Skin cancer resembling eczema. Use Blood Cleanser. Other uses: unconditional love, return to spiritual order. I am now going to try this.

For more details, please check:

10. My daughter had scabies that looked similar. You could try that program. If that is it, they will have to also deep clean house, sheets, clothing.

11. The liver is closely related to the skin as well, so I’d detox my kidneys liver and lymph.

12. Killing fungus or bacteria topically is usually not enough for eczema or psoriasis, as is the case for toenail fungus too. The problem is internal, where the body needs thorough cleansing/detox.

Run the Terrain protocol if you haven't already. Also, consider using the Contact or Plasma treatments in the protocol besides just Remote.

Fungus and other pathogens thrive when there are lots of dead and dying cells in the body.

So, in my model of health, how do we improve the terrain, to reduce this load of dead/dying cells?

First, remove things that kill cells, namely toxins:

  • pesticides/toxins in food and water
  • toxins in personal toiletries
  • toxins in household cleaning agents
  • chemicals in processed foods (msg, aspartame, etc.)
  • toxins in household (building materials, mold, etc.)
  • drugs (both pharmaceuticals and recreational, including alcohol and tobacco)

Even if you are not killing cells in your body with external toxins, if you sufficiently drain your energy, you can kill cells with waste products from the metabolic process. So to improve this situation, remove things that deplete your energy:

  • hard to digest foods
  • negative emotion and unreleased emotional pain
  • negative people and draining relationships
  • overwork
  • insufficient sleep/rest
  • too many devices (computers, phones, tablets, tv, etc.)

Finally, practice habits that increase your energy:

  • meditation / yoga
  • spending time in nature
  • getting regular exercise
  • getting as much sun as you can without burning yourself
  • breathing clean fresh air
  • being in loving relationships

13. Find someone who uses cold laser in their practice. It’s completely eradicated my -albeit small patches - of eczema.

For more details, please check the link:

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