Final attempt to treat tooth pain:
Step 1:
1. 100mg 2.5% Lugol's Iodine solution (40 drops) / daily morning
2. 400 mcg selenium / daily noon
3. 0.4g of Borax (20 mule team 99%+ pure) / daily evening
Step 2:
* Spooky2 Clark 30Khz zapper program / 2-3 times per week
* Spooky2 Pulse Scan to detect pathogens in the 500-1000HZ range
- contact mode scan and treatment
- First attempt at beginning when pain was mild, second and last
attempt when pain was really severe (right before break through)
* Spooky2 programs: dental general, dental infection 1,2,3,4 -
repeated several times in a week
Tried step 1 with a much lower dose than specified above. However, toothache did not disappear. After approx. 1-2 weeks, woke up on a Saturday with pain that was too severe so that I could not focus on anything. In desperation, increased
iodine, selenium, borax to the indicated amount above, and started Spooky2 treatments several hours / day.
Most likely, scan (pulse) was not effective as I could not calm down my mind due to the pain. Must have given lots of erroneous readings, but I just tried whatever was available.
If this happened on Monday, I would have gone to the dentist, but dental office was closed over the weekend, so I forced myself to experiment.
My last attempt on this particular weekend became the turnaround point. On Sunday, pain became manageable. Within 3 days, tooth issue became minor. After 2 weeks, I could for the first time in 2 years, drink really hot/cold drinks with both sides of my mouth. I did not do the multiple spooky2 treatment / day since that weekend, but continued with step 1 every day and spooky dental frequencies once every few days. After one month, I believe that I made close to 100% recovery as I can bite really hard items such as nuts and not feel any discomfort.
For more details, please check the link:
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