My friend has been diagnosed with this: High grade central osteosarcoma conventionale osteoet chondroblasticum C402. Metastasis has also spreaded to lungs. I just finished running body terrain preparation protocol. what program to run next.

1. You can try frequencies for Simian virus 40.

2. Support your Master organs for cleansing the blood, Liver and Kidneys, and of course your lungs expel toxins as well as the skin,so skin brushing might be useful. Be certain ALL elimination channels are supported and Immaculate diet. NO junk, GMOs or sugar or Fake sweeteners.

3. The osteosarcoma sets in the database are decent:

Osteosarcoma KHZ
Cancer Osteosarcoma KHZ
Sarcoma Osteogenic XTRA

And this is also worth trying:

Cancer Sarcoma General Resonant Light Alternate Set XTRA

Sarcoma is caused by the BY virus:

Cancer BY Virus CUST

Use Detox 4 Toxins Throughout the Body CAFL for detoxing (healing). Don't forget liver and kidney support.

For more details, please check the link:

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