Can we use the nail have polish on it when putting in Remote?

1. We suggest that you wash off the nail polish. It doesn't have to be a piece that has never had polish.

For more details, please check the link:

2. Possibly not. I don't know. You are sending frequencies to the DNA. But it’s probably better than they are clean. If you are stuck, use a bit of coffee filter paper and use cheek cells from the inside of your mouth (just swab it a little) and dry that out and encase in paper tape or labels. Good for 2 - 3 days.

3. I only have anecdotal evidence that it doesn't matter. My daughter always gives me toenail as she has her nails done. The toenail always has nail polish on it. The frequencies I run for her have always worked - usually for cold sores and for winter colds/sore throat, etc. This leads me to believe that the nail polish does not matter. Especially as, when you think about it, only the top of the nail has the polish, not the underside.

For more details, please check the link:

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