1. Large amounts of Vitamin C or DC-Microcurrent or pulsed DC-Microcurrent (not higher than 500 uA because if the current gets higher then you got the reverse effect you want. So less is better.).
They are both Antioxidants.
"Improve your energy and healing process with antioxidants"
"The benefits of Vitamin C"
Or if possible: Go out to the Sun and get a barefoot walk on the beach.
2. The most important thing when detoxing, is water. As many people are dehydrated, and it takes a few weeks to remedy that, as you will just pee out the extra water till your system adapts, that can be where to start. The water should be as pure as you can manage it also.
Also sun gaze, get up at dawn to do it, eat clean, exercise, and eat a lot of fatty fish. Plus cold thermogenesis that is a cold shower or at least a face splash.
3. I am in a similar 'mostly depleted bodily systems boat' as you and just started using this amazing Spooky2 system in July.
so far, have two generators, one for me and one for cat.
Thus far, am using Spooky Remote.
other folks can correct me, I think I read somewhere in forums that remote is 'gentler' than contact, so am experimenting with that in mind.
Through the JW Healing (remote) programs/presets, and running them night and day for a few days, then take a small break and start some others or same to enhance and nurture.
Type in a search word. then,
As you scroll over/click on the search results, there is a spot near Mid-screen with the Spooky ghost, which shows a description of that set.
Click the sets you desire and start up your remote or contact session.
If you search the word, Pause, which will show ways to PAUSE for a minute, hour, day, etc.
I use search words such as calming, depression, sunshine, pain, endocrine,
improve, balance, malabsorption, digestion, sleep, MELATONIN, SEROTONIN!!!, emotions, minerals (gold! is great as well as many others), planets, spine problems is "songs of the spine", Nogier sets are awesome.
I also use a bunch of Dental frequencies for chronic dental issues.
Also, just type a few letters of the word, such as 'bal' and other possibilities may appear which you hadn't thought of.
Also, got me some little foot-sized bins to use for doing the Foot Detox Baths.
4. Maybe you should try some of the emotional well-being & depression sets first, and try them at a low amplitude on a white remote. You could also try some of the "normalizing" sets before you dive into the terrain protocol or anything heavy.
For more details, please check the link:
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