My Bio Feedback scan gave me these results, SV40, Molds General, Sterigmatocystin_4. I chose the remote Killing preset and will use the black remote for 1 night. After the killing program, I need to help the body to "clean Up the killing". Any suggeation?

My Bio Feedback scan gave me these results, SV40, Molds General, Sterigmatocystin_4. I chose the remote Killing preset and will use the black remote for 1 night. After the killing program, I need to help the body to "clean Up the killing". Any suggeation?

Killing SV40 has to be repeated a few more times after a program has been completed. One run of the program will not be sufficient. I do not know what mode you intend to use, please check page 63 of the August User's Guide to more or less gauge the duration/repeat times for each mode.

You may use Detox 4 to get rid of toxins in the body or Detox liver,kidney, lymphs; detox intestines (please note, the one with detox parasite may release more SV40 because other pathogens may contain SV40 and release them when they sense they are being attacked); running the Normalize and Support frequencies for the organs could be helpful. Johann Stegman's Blood Cleansing: Lymphangitis CAFL and Streptococcus Pyogene CAFL is a must.

Also truly helpful would be taking activated charcoal during the daytime, and micronized zeolite mixed with a glass of water before bedtime. Drinking lots and lots of water before, during and after this treatment would usher the debris out of the body.

The above is what we use and am only sharing it with you to give you a vague idea of the choices we have made. You have to decide for yourself if what is best suited for your needs.

For more details, please check the link:

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