I had a tooth pulled by the dentist about a month ago. The dentist prescribed a 10-day course of antibiotics. Unfortunately, I had persistent pain for another two weeks. Last week, I had no pain at all. But, just last night, more dental pain.

1. Time for a second opinion. Not sure how bad the infection was before the tooth pulling but there is a chance that not all of the tooth was extracted or that there needs to be local antibiotic applied. You would also want to verify that the dentist correctly identified the problem (tooth) in the first place. Not sure I would go to the dentist that was referred so that there is no chance of a 'cover up' if a misdiagnosis took place. Might want to choose another dentist on your own.
Sure you don't have "dry socket"? That is reportedly very painful.

2. This might sound strange, but I have seen it over and over again that the type of pain you describe can be caused by an inflamed shoulder joint on that side of the body. Often treating the shoulder joint and up the neck will solve the problem.

3. There are quite a few sets for teeth and gums. Search the spooky2 software database for 'tooth', 'teeth', 'gums', 'roots', 'dental' and you will be able to pick those you feel fit your situation. Most pertinent sets:
Tooth Extraction Follow up (I used this after pulling a wisdom tooth and had no pain after 1st night which I used aspirin as pain killer.)
Dental General
Dental Foci
Dental Infection Roots and Gums.

You may also consider this post by Walt Dod for other options to research:

4. I have very good experience with MMS / Chlordioxid (maybe in combination with DMSO). I use it every time if I have dental issues with success.

If I have it known earlier, I think I could have rescue some of my teeth.

5. Please keep in mind that dental infection can sometimes become systemic and that root canals can easily become breeding grounds for bacteria. That said, keep a close eye out for the symptoms of this following a root canal as they can easily lead to far more serious conditions such as damage to the heart valves and kidneys.

One simple way to get MMS today, is to buy the dry Sodium Chlorite powder on eBay and make it yourself.

6. I've been using MMS since first meeting with John Humble, back in 2007 for bacterial/viral issues and always with good results. For mouth hygiene and dental issues I do "swishing" and discard fluid after a minute or so. More serious inflammation require external and internal application but a family member was able to heal abscesses on couple occasions withing 3-4 days. Pain was usually alleviated to the tolerable level (3-4) withing couple hours at most and swelling was gone within a day or two. It also works great for brushing teeth before going to bed, without swallowing fluid.
I use 25% sodium chlorite and 50% citric acid solution which I both got in a crystal form, several years ago.

7. I had success with colloidal silver , laser pointer pen and taping a bn small magnet to the cheek if you have spooky laser or plasma even better.

8. for pain relief I have found from trial and error that this frequency set is useful and quick acting. These are a filtered down list of what is available in other sets.
Add this to your custom.csv and use with BN remote with boost to mix out1 and out2. I generally use a preset with invSawtooth harmonic waveform.

Tooth Combined,CUST,,,"47.5 F0 C666, 2720 C650, 2489.0 C600, 1550 C6000, 1500 C5170, 880 C646, 37233 C880",,,180

For more details, please check the link:

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