1. Sure! Browse the database which can be found at
http://www.spooky2.com/downloadsPage/index.html. You can also download the software for free to search the database. But to see an overview of all the 6,000+ frequencies in the database, download the document. I think you can search for "menop" and find some sets to help. I have ran hot flashes and fibroids both helped with symptoms. Also, had hormonal imbalance, estrogen and progesterone normalizing sets. Not sure what they do. Can try them to see if they help.
2. I have ran hot flashes and fibroids both helped with symptoms. Also, had hormonal imbalance, estrogen and progesterone normalizing sets. Not sure what they do. Can try them to see if they help.
3. My partner has been using the hot flash program 1x day for the past month w/SC plasma and has been amazed that she hasn't used an HRT patch the entire time. She'd very happy with that program in particular.
The herbs will help but you need to do them in the right combinations....which will be individual to the person. I changed up my combinations based on muscle-testing. I also dosed according to muscle testing. I found the herb "Maca" to be the 'key' to the biggest issues. There may be a need for some endocrine balancing and for that you need a good holistic practitioner. I am pretty sure my Thyroid has been 'off' for years however it never showed up on standard blood tests. I was finally at the agonizing point of having to try to find an MD who is Thyroid Literate. I held off on that to do a Zyto test (biofeedback) for something else and the thyroid showed up as one of my highest imbalances. So I am going to try out homeopathics and a couple of other hormone supplements from this practitioner. It wasn't cheap by any means to get the scan and the supplements however going to an MD isn't cheap (and the likelihood of having to try out several is high) and then there would probably be the cost of Synthroid or Armour for life.
So.....we'll see how this goes. The herbs were fairly effective for me for a few years but I would go through periods of symptoms like hot flashes returning (probably due to stress or something else affecting my endocrine system to the point that the herbs couldn't compensate) so I would say that herbs can't compensate for heavy imbalances. I am hoping that by strategically (and measurably) balancing my Thyroid and hormones that I will effectively alleviate all my symptoms. Right now weight gain is my biggest (unwelcome) challenge despite getting back into the gym for 6 months now.
4. Between this and another issue I'm looking at 3-6 months to get it all corrected. I will use the info from the Zyto scan to add Spooky and my radionics device to the program.....hopefully this will fast-track results.
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