My mum has had swollen ankles for over 10 years. The doctors say it is something to do with the valves in the leg veins not working properly. Given recent events and seeing that it is quite a common problem in older people I think bugs are the cause.

I am having swelling in One knee. Having lyme I pretty much know it is from them. "Wandering Pain" is very unique.

I used an Avazzia on the knee, using the lowest intensity possible. I did so after reading much about FSM Frequency Specific Microcurrent.

The Avazzia frequency is unknown to me but, after using it for 2-30 minutes the swelling reduced but, returned in about 1 hour.

Now I am reading the FSM Manual from Dr McMakin as a 7 day free trial of the ebook on Amazon. Intriguing read indeed. Perhaps it is worth your time to research FSM for your Mum too?

For more details, please check the link:

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