1. We treated our cat with colloidal silver. Rinsed her eyes three times per day. After a few rinses she understood that it helped her, and patiently laid there while I rinsed her eyes with a dropper and gently moving the eyelids back. We also gave her CS in the drinking water. Took about ten days for the eyes to clear, and we kept on for another week just to make sure.
If you can get a sample of liquid from the eyes, you could try putting the sample in the remote with a cat hair and run general healing frequencies on it. For example, immune system stimulation. Should be the same as Hulda Clark's plate zapping. Works really well.
2. Many use the same condition frequency for humans on their pets successfully.
3. I would find out what was in the vaccine and try to detox it with Spooky2 besides other things that people suggest here.
4. Vitamin d for auto immune issues. Chromium and vanadium, and coconut oil for diabetes.
5. Accelerated healing, DNA repair, and immune support would be my go-to.
6. Could also try any eye healing Presets and programs that are available.
For more details, please check the link:
I treayed my 17 year dog with Collodial silver for 2 months. He got better. I just got Central and he got his 1st treatment. Hoping for the best.
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